Facials + Peels

Patients can attest to the fact that the medical grade facials offered Restoration Lab have many benefits to all types of skin. Restoration Lab has partnered with Noon Aesthetics to provide medical grade facials that are not only relaxing, but also address skin concerns specific to the individual.
Our facials can be performed standalone or with a recommended Chemical Peel.
Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels are incredibly beneficial: a chemical peel encourages new cells, and fresh skin to develop.
At Restoration Lab, we use medical grade chemical peels provided by Noon Aesthetics. Supervised by the Medical Director, our Providers have an assortment of products to perform the most effective peel for your skin type.
S-Peel (Salicylic Acid)
Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage and has keratolytic, sebum regulating, and anti-microbial effects. It successfully provides treatment for Bumpy Skin with Papulas and associated Redness (Rose-Red Papules / Red Rash).
The S-Peel contains Noon Aesthetics patent pending DermShieldTM to reduce irritation and redness that is typical with chemical peels.
J-Peel (Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Citric Acid)
Reduces fine lines, shallow wrinkles, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation. The peel stimulates dermal collagen as well as the synthesis of elastin and glycosaminoglycan.
The J-Peel contains Noon Aesthetics patent pending DermShieldTM to reduce irritation and redness that is typical with chemical peels.
P-Peel (Pyruvic Acid)
Reduces fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage. The peel formula utilizes keratolytic, sebum regulating, and anti-microbial effects. It affects the epidermis and dermis, decreases the convergence of epidermal corneocytes and prevents the thickening of the corneal layer. The P-Peel includes Pyruvic Acid that creates a protective film, which prevents the skin from dehydration due to its moisturizing properties.
The P-Peel contains Noon Aesthetics patent pending DermShieldTM to reduce irritation and redness that is typical with chemical peels.
G-Peel (Glycolic Acid)
Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and hyper-pigmentation. It helps reduce uneven skin texture in cases of oily /problematic skin. It affects the epidermis and dermis, decreases the convergence of epidermal corneocytes and prevents the thickening of corneal layer. The G-Peel exfoliates the skin and stimulates dermal collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycan synthesis.
The G-Peel contains Noon Aesthetics patent pending DermShieldTM to reduce irritation and redness that is typical with chemical peels.
Chemical Peel Aftercare
How long does it take to recover from a chemical peel?
Your recovery time will depend on the chemical peel technique and depth of treatment. A deep peel requires a longer recovery period. At Restoration Lab, the Providers use a Peel Neutralizer to ensure as much precision to your peel as possible.
Following all chemical peel treatments, it is important to avoid direct or indirect sun exposure until all the redness or pinkness of your skin has subsided. Even after that, you should protect your skin by regularly using sunscreen and, whenever possible, a wide-brimmed hat.
If you had the area around your eyes treated, you should wear high-quality sunglasses when outdoors. After some types of chemical peel treatments, you may need to be careful about exposing your skin to chlorinated water.
It is vital that you follow all the patient care instructions identified by your Provider. It is also important to know that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.
What can I expect immediately after my chemical peel?
With a light chemical peel, you will have no down time and you can return to your normal activities immediately.
For deeper peels, your Provider will instruct what products are available for use.
You may have some pain or tenderness, particularly with the deeper peels. If the pain is extreme or long-lasting, contact Restoration Lab. You will also have some redness and swelling after the treatment.